Saturday 29 June 2013


''Men go abroad to wonder at the heights of the mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motions of the stars, and they pass themselves without wondering''.....ST. AUGUSTINE

''It concerns us to know the purpose we seek in life, for then..we shall be more likely to attain what we want''...ARISTOTLE.

The greatest thing that can happen to a man is SELF-DISCOVERY. A man who has discovered discovered the greatest treasure in life. Self-discovery gives one authority, confidence and high self esteem. It gives one the guts and balls to hold tenaciously to the best things in life he has defined for himself. It sets one on a path he was wired to toe that will ultimately announce him to his world and bring him to the limelight. Self-discovery allows one live his life other than living someone else's life. Self-discovery becomes the bench mark you use to evaluate which activities are essential and those which aren't.Self-discovery defines the people you accept into your life..such as your friends and spouse. A man who has not discovered himself has at his disposal everybody to please which is the sure evident of failure. A man who has not discovered himself can die for anything because when you don't know which direction to navigate in life...every possible route look appealing. Infact, if you don't know to which port you are wind is favorable.

           To discover yourself is to have life gives you a platform for expression...Timothy Icon
People who lack expression in life are largely those you have no course to steer in life.To steer a course in life is to be relevant, acknowledge and celebrated in life because they are the contributors in life.
As you begin to make concrete plans for your life this year and years to come...i implore you to look for the best avenues through which you steer the course of which you were born to. CHEERS...!


  1. Quite interesting...but hw cn one go about it?

  2. Keep in touch and check out my next article HOW TO DISCOVER YOURSELF on this site next week. Its promises to be revealing!!! @ Joy
